A downloadable game for Windows

On a quiet Sunday, a gamer sat in front of his computer, eager to spend time with his favorite game. However, his relaxed mood changes when his computer starts acting strangely. The screen suddenly flickers, the fan sounds noisy, and the application he's trying to open closes itself. He sighed, tried restarting the computer, but the problem persisted, like the computer was “cranky”. Slightly frustrated but curious, she started to check what was wrong, hoping that the problem would be resolved soon so that her Sunday would still be enjoyable.

Best gaming experience at 1080p resolution

Left-click to move the object
Right-click to rotate the camera
Scroll to move the object closer and further away

Pada hari Minggu yang tenang, seorang gamer duduk di depan komputernya, penuh semangat untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan game favoritnya. Namun, suasana santainya berubah ketika komputernya mulai bertingkah aneh. Layar tiba-tiba berkedip, suara kipas terdengar berisik, dan aplikasi yang ia coba buka malah menutup sendiri. Ia menghela napas, mencoba memulai ulang komputer, tetapi masalah itu tetap ada, seperti komputer sedang "ngambek". Dengan sedikit frustrasi namun penasaran, ia mulai memeriksa apa yang salah, berharap masalah ini bisa segera teratasi agar hari Minggunya tetap menyenangkan.

Pengalaman game terbaik di resolusi 1080p

Klik kiri untuk menggerakan objek
Klik kanan untuk memutar kamera
Scroll untuk mendekat dan menjauhkan objek

Adi Saputra Wigena
Brayy Muhammad Amir
Muhammad Alif Rizi Mandara
Najib Amin
Raka Andamari Bhumi


jammed gamer.rar 35 MB

Install instructions

Extrac the zip files and play

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